CMOS Integrated Lab-on-chip System for Personalized DNA Sequencing
This talk will introduce emerging technologies in CMOS integrated circuits (ICs) for personalized data analysis. After brief review of recent works such as energy-efficient machine learning data-analytic chips; and smart multi-modal sensor chips, I will report recent progress on CMOS-based lab-on-chip system for personalized DNA sequencing. Starting with in-depth discussion of CMOS ion-sensitive-field-effect-transistor (ISFET) sensor chips for a scalable 2ndgeneration DNA sequencing, I will show the use of dual-mode (chemical + optical) ISFET sensor to improve detection accuracy, as well as the use of ISFET sensor with (time-integrated) pH-to-voltage readout at sub-threshold region for <1mV or 1pA detection resolution. Next, I will further show the present works on identifying single nucleotide bases required in the 3rd-generation DNA sequencing system with CMOS-compatible integration of nanopore, nanogap and nanofilter devices.
Dr. Yu obtained his B.S. degree from Fudan University (Shanghai China) in 1999, and obtained M.S/Ph. D degrees both from electrical engineering department at UCLA in 2007, with major of integrated circuit and embedded computing. He was a senior research staff at Berkeley Design Automation (BDA), and then program director of VIRTUS IC Design, VALENS Biomedical Research Center, as well as IoT Cluster Director of Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore. He has joined Southern University of Science and Technology of China in 2017.
Dr. Yu has 226 peer-reviewed and referred publications [conference (155) and journal (71)], 7 books, 9 book chapters, 1 best paper award in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 1 Springer PhD thesis award (advisor), 3 best paper award nominations (DAC’06, ICCAD’06, ASP-DAC’12), 3 student paper competition finalists (SiRF’13, RFIC’13, IMS’15), 2 keynote talks, 1 inventor award from semiconductor research cooperation (SRC), and 20 granted patents. He is Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Circuit and System (2017-), Associate Editor of Elsevier Integration, the VLSI Journal (2016-), Elsevier Microelectronics Journal (2016-), Nature Scientific Reports (2016-), ACM Trans. on Embedded Computing Systems (2017-) and IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (2017-), and Technical Program Committee member of several conferences (CICC’17, DAC’15-16, DATE’15-18, ICCAD’10-12’17, ISLPED’13-15’17, ASP-DAC’11-13’15-16’17, A-SSCC’13-17, APMC’17, BioCAS’16, ICCD’11-13, ISCAS’10-13, RFIT’15,IWS’13-14, NANOARCH’12-13, ISQED’09). His main research interest is about smart multi-modal sensors with multi-million government and industry funding. He is a senior member of IEEE and member of ACM.