- Nanotextured Engineered Interfaces to Living Systems
Samir Iqbal, PhD, PE, FRSC (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
- Monitoring Systems During Orthopedic Surgeries, from Circuits to Clinic
Hong Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
- Signal Processing in Brain-Implantable Microsystems
Amir M. Sodagar (York University)
- Implantable Technology
Robert Sobot (ETIS/ENSEA–Université de Cergy–Pontoise–CNRS, France; Western University, Canada)
- Impact of Signal and Imaging Processing Technologies in Medical Imaging, the Case of High-Resolution Imaging
Denis Kouamé (University of Toulouse III)
- Agile Clinical Decision Support Application Development
Vaishnavi Kannan, MS, Mujeeb Basit, MD, MMSc, Duwayne Willett, MD, MS
(University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
- Wearable Medical Devices and the Call for Self-Awareness of Systems
Nima TaheriNejad (Institute of Computer Technology, TU Wien)