Please see website for the deadline date for proposal submissions
The conference will cover diverse topics within the Life Sciences topics. The scientific program of LSC 2018 will include tutorials, plenary talks, special sessions, regular lecture and poster presentations of peer-reviewed papers, panel discussions, etc. In addition, an IEEE Women in Engineering event, various students’ competition, and other initiatives to be announced shortly. Tutorials will provide reviews of an emerging technology or application area of Life Sciences.
Proposal Submission
Submit your Tutorial proposal in PDF format to the Tutorial Co-Chairs at the following Email addresses:
Dr. Guoxing Wang:
Dr. Tang Kea-Tiong (Samuel) Tang:
Presentations and materials offered to Tutorial attendees will be reviewed by the Tutorial Co-Chairs who are fully responsible for ensuring the quality of the Tutorial content.
This document contains a template for all the information relevant to offer a Tutorial for LSC’18 attendees. Tutorials are to be delivered by leading researchers in their respective areas. This template should be filled and submitted in PDF format, by the deadline to the Tutorials Co-Chairs. If the proposal is accepted, the information provided by the organizers in the text below will be used to advertise the tutorial on the conference Webpage.
IMPORTANT: please read carefully the Guidelines below.
- Organizers’ Names
- Organizers’ Affiliations (include postal address and phone number)
- Organizers’ Email Addresses
- Tutorial Title
- Tutorial Abstract (~ 10 lines): Please explain why the proposed topic is good for a tutorial
- Structure (up to 10 lines): Please provide the table of contents of the tutorial
- Speakers (up to 5 lines): Please provide the speaker bio
- Tutorial Topic: Please define the topic indicating the relevant LS Track/Topic; refer to the corresponding list shown on the Conference website.
We welcome the submission of proposals for Tutorials. A tutorial may be delivered by a group of leading researchers and pioneers in their respective areas. The duration of a tutorial is expected to be 90 min. The tutorial co-Chairs must ensure the quality of presentations and materials offered to attendees. A tutorial covers current and future trends of Life Sciences in hot and emerging healthcare topics, including Wearable devices, sensors, biomedical engineering, etc. Accepted Tutorials will be in a lecture format at the conference. Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format using the above simplified template, no later than the deadline. The acceptance notification is expected within one week after the deadline.
Selection Criteria for Tutorial Proposals
The selection process of Tutorial proposals will be based on the following set of criteria:
- Importance of the Tutorial topic, (scientific content, and timeliness of the topic)
- Qualifications and experience of the Speaker(s).
- Existence of competing Tutorials.
Promotion of Accepted Tutorial Sessions
The Tutorial information (call for papers, program/speakers, etc.) will be provided on a dedicated page of the web site and will be updated accordingly.
Paper Submission and Review
If a Tutorial proposal is accepted, speakers should submit their set of slides to the Tutorial Co-Chairs, who are responsible for ensuring the quality of prepared materials.
If your tutorial proposal is accepted, an honorarium will be available to you. Honorariums will be awarded as follows:
- Quarter Day (1.5 hrs) tutorials – $200 honorarium to be paid by bank transfer after the conference. No conference registration fee to be paid if staying for tutorial only. Full registration fee to be paid if you are staying for part or all of the conference.
- Half-day tutorials – $400 honorarium to be paid by bank transfer after the conference. No conference registration fee to be paid if staying for tutorial only. Full registration fee to be paid if you are staying for part or all of the conference.
- Full day tutorials – $750 honorarium to be paid by bank transfer after the conference. No conference registration fee to be paid if staying for tutorial only. Registration fee to be paid if you are staying for part or all of the conference.
Once you are accepted and we have your submission information, the EMB executive office will be in touch to finalize the paperwork information for the bank transfer.